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These natural bamboo reusable drinking straws are an eco-friendly and sustainable alternative to plastic, perfect for a reduced-waste lifestyle! Not only do they do the job without putting any pressure on the environment (or, of course, polluting the seas with single-use plastics), they’re also fun to use and will last for years!


Kids love sipping smoothies and drinks using our straws and adults do too (whether it’s a smoothie, a cocktail, G&T or plain old water). They’re not only sustainable, and functional, but reminiscent of tropical holidays too!


The natural bamboo reusable drinking straws are compostable, sustainable and with a low carbon footprint, they not only look good but they do good too!


Bamboo is naturally antibacterial and our pack of 6 reusable drinking straws comes with a little brush so you can deeply clean your straws without damaging them.

When they come to the end of their life, our natural bamboo reusable drinking straws can be put in with the garden waste, in a composter or you can use them as a mini stake in your garden, to prop up your plants! 


Why Forever And Green

Like us, Organically Epic aim to bring truly sustainable dental care to the market. No green washing, just truth and transparency. We couldn't agree more!


Disposal Tips

  • Entire straw can be composted or recycled once it starts to split or breakdown
  • The packaging can be composted or recycled
  • Always check local recycling policies.


Care Instructions

All you need is to rinse them out under the tap after everyday use or shake in a jar of warm soapy water if you like. Every month or so, you can boil a pot of vinegar water mix and soak the straws for a few mins if you want a super thorough clean!

Natural Bamboo Reusable Drinking Straws (6 pack)

£5.50 Regular Price
£3.30Sale Price
Out of Stock
  • 100% Sustainably grown, panda friendly, mature bamboo
    100% Biodegradable

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